Case of Revocation of 11 Children in Tulungagung, KPAI Urges the Actor to Be Affixed to Chip
The sexual abuse case committed by the Chairperson of the Tulungagung Gay Association (IGATA), Mochammad Hasan, of 11 boys in Tulungagung, received special attention from the Indonesian Child Protection Commission or KPAI.
Through the release broadcast distributed by KPAI Commissioner in the Field of Civil Rights and Child Participation, Jasra Putra, specifically asked the authorities to provide security guarantees to the victims’ families and the community at large.
One of them is by the rule that every perpetrator of sexual violence and crime who has entered the police, is obliged to report.
“Relevant institutions can be invited by the police to compile compulsory reporting, supervision and prevention. The importance of this mandatory reporting mechanism must be accompanied by the handling of officers who have good and special capacity and professionalism,” Jasra wrote in a release distributed to the media on Tuesday. , (1/21/2020).
He also alluded to how the authorities need to do a chip planting mechanism.
“Moreover, the rules already exist because they can be repeated in prison or it could be another place,” he added.
The installation of chips or electronic detection devices, is in the provisions of Article 81 paragraph (7) and Article 82 paragraph (6) Perppu 1/2016. However, these rules can only be applied to;
1. The perpetrators are parents, guardians, people who have family relationships, child caregivers, educators, educational staff, officers who deal with child protection, or are carried out by more than one person together;
2. The offender has previously been convicted of a criminal offense under Article 76D of Law 35/2014 or Article 76E of Law 35/2014; and
3. The perpetrators cause more than one victim, resulting in serious injuries, mental disorders, infectious diseases, disruption or loss of reproductive function, and or death.
The police are also asked to openly develop cases regarding where the perpetrators have lived and go anywhere the perpetrators during the escape to detect victims more quickly.
“Because if handled properly, holistically and integratively, the impact will haunt the whole life of the victims, even victims can get trapped into perpetrators if not handled properly,” he concluded.
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